Why Annexation is A Bad Deal
|[polldaddy poll=7962050]Since HB 704 didn’t make it to the floor for a State Senate vote. Local municipalities and some individuals are actively seeking annexations into surrounding cities. It’s been seven years, what took you so long?
Annexations are not good for Unincorporated South Fulton County or the property owners. Have you seen the mess that Union City has created along South Fulton Parkway? It’s an unwielding amoeba that creates a service strategy nightmare accompanying the occasional speed traps along the Parkway. By the way, the highway scape has never looked worse.
Annexation into Atlanta has it pitfalls as well. The word is Sandtown and Loch Lomond are interested. Okay, where do I start? The money? No. Let’s get to the real deal. Your children, nieces, nephews, grandchildren, cousins and others that are using your address to attend Fulton County Schools will no longer be able to do that. They will have to attend Atlanta Public Schools, period. Stop. Go no further. End of story. Annex all you like but, don’t attempt to annex our schools.
In addition, you will be putting your family into a service delivery hell hole. Simply put Atlanta can not at this time provide your family adequate Atlanta Fire and Rescue protection in the case of a life threatening illness or unfortunate blaze on your property. Atlanta relies on Fulton County Fire Station 23 for that service at this time around the West Cascade Area. Any attempts to stretch out further will cause even more problems for Atlanta, unless it builds a Fire Station in the area. That’s at the bottom of the list.