South Fulton is 107,436 Strong!

Just Released Census Data has the City of South Fulton Well Over 100K

Residents of the City of South Fulton can take a deep breath as it settles in with nearly a 16% increase in citizens from 2010. The total number of residents identifying as residents on the four year old city as of April 1, 2020 was 107,436. That number is surely over 108,000 with the development of a number of new subdivision in the last year or so.


The data says the City is 51.8% female, 11.3% over age 65 and nearly one-quarter under the age of 18 with 7.1% under age 7. That alone means we need to put more into programming (libraries and parks) for the under 18 demographic.

91.8% of the residents are Black, 5.6% White, 2.2% Latino and .4% identify as Native American, Asian and/or Pacific Islander. Veterans make up 6.7% of our residents and 4.5% were born outside of the U.S. between 2015-19.

67.5%* of us own our homes with a median price of $162,800. There are 33,091 households with an average of 2.9* person per home. 88.2% have lived in there home for more than a year.

Almost 95% of homes have PCs and almost 86% have internet both above national averages(*) 94.1% of the residents have at least a high school diploma and 37.4% have at a minimum bachelor's degree, again above the national average.

Disablity rate is 8.7% and 12.9% have no health insurance both are above the national average.

68.8% are working with an average of 34.3 minutes of travel time to work above the national average

Median HH income $65,919 above the national average and the poverty rate is 9.1% just under the national average.

The City of South Fulton is heading in the right direction.

source: Census Bureau

City of South Fulton Data

Comparison Data with Atlanta, College Park, East Point, Union City and U.S



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